Friday, September 10, 2010


Conglomerate ~ a corporation consisting of a number of subsidiary companies or divisions in a variety of unrelated industries, usually as a result of merger or acquisition. "Disney"

Demographic ~ a section of the population sharing common characteristics, such as age, sex, class, etc. (females 13-25)

Early Adopter ~one of the first people or organizations to make use of a new technology. (Sony)

Coolhunting ~ hunting for what teens or young adults think is cool.

The paradox of Coolhunting ~

Synergy ~Also called: synergism the potential ability of individual organizations or groups to be more successful or productive as a result of a merger (Sprite)

Horizontal Integration ~When a company expands its business into different products that are similar to current lines. (Disney)

Ancillary Markets ~

The feedback loop

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